Thursday, September 13, 2007

shaky, uncertain terms

want is an apocalyptic word
seldom heard as a promise
always sung

and the lost syllables are always the loudest
in some shaky, uncertain terms they squirm
unfounded in illimitable meaning
free falling through some entangled 'once upon a time'
trying to peek out of rhyme

gently i go treading here
like never i do

the lack of distraction is the action i don't act
in fact
want is the word for what i do not
i've got
too much in my pocket now
to find change eas(il)y
stop teasing me...

do i even mean it, any of it..

what does anything deemed meaningful mean
defined, or mine, or spineless, or
divine.. inspired.. discovered in time..??

i don't have all day

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