1. I don't think opposites necessarily attract, I've also begun to see that birds of a feather should not always flock together. I think a delicate balance exists of the right/real similarities and differences between two people... *chemistry* ....and any kind of a relationship is based on discovering whether that balance exists...
2. However I also think if you are sensitive/aware/in tune/open enough you can know right away whether that balance exists...
3. Though I wonder if the whole point is in the discovery....
4. So perhaps knowing is irrelevant. Once you know that balance exists for sure.. is there no drive to continue? (What would be the point in it existing then? That would mean then that no relationship would ever be completely fulfilling unless it's tumultuous?..)
5. And would that statement be true for mankind, or just me...
6. No, wait. If two people in any kind of a relationship (that successfully and continually has that level of chemistry) continue to change and grow as human beings/souls/spirits, they can continue to discover the delicate balance between their similarities and differences and not get bored. Perhaps. ....perhaps!
7. So change is good. More than coins.
8. There may be hope for me if this makes any sense.
9. I have no idea where this came from or why it's in a numerical list... I never said I make any sense.
10. Don't forget yourself.
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