i am what i am
(green eggs and ham)
you do not like them?
i do what i can
but i won't be nothing in anyone's hand
just open it
and drop me
i will not defend my wingspan
i already know it's everything, and then
the height i fly
in any skies
is wonder-full, but i'll still try
when i look up, i know it's there
the calmer, crisper, cleaner air
i want it taste it feel it
the wind picks up
i'm good to go
higher faster longer still
my might my strength
my hidden will
you see it?
I know it's there
the pieces they
have found repair
since YOU have seen their broken face
the light the fight
reclaimed their space
then i felt you flutter
raised a bit
i felt the sky
and my light get lit
(i couldn't
away from it)
so then i swooped
so gently down
let you and light turn flight around
i felt you lift me
a bit
i hovered savored laughed in it
i spied your eye inside my smile
let pretty little wings fly wild
and now i stand.
right here, i do
'cause i know how i fly for you
but i am clearly what i am
you do not like?
i do what i can
across the sky
i long to be
are you below
or beside me
(i long for you
to plainly see
yes, you are you
and i am me
are you below
or flying free)